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DIY (Do it yourself)

In the unique DIY space at the Textil Museum of Sweden, you can create for yourself. Here, you can experiment and leave your own impression on clothes, soft furnishings or any other exciting project you are involved in. There are sewing machines, looms and many other tools which you can use to create something fun. Why not design  your own style of trendy and reused clothing, or try on the clothes of days gone by in our huge wardrobe?

The spaciousness of the museum offers the opportunity for both activity and rest. If you want to sit down and enjoy yourself among friends in an environment that lives and breathes textiles, this is fine as well. Bring your knitting, or whatever else you are working on, and come and join us!

The try-on wardrobe

If you like trying on clothes, the Textile Museum of Sweden boasts a large wardrobe. It holds clothes, shoes, hats and bags from the early 20th century up until today. Almost all items can be tried on. Give yourself a make-over in the try-on wardrobe and post your photo on our Instagram: #Textilmuseet 

The DIY-area and the Try-on wardrobe are always open during the museum's opening hours.