Ruby O'Hare is a small bunny with a big problem; the world is created with taller people in mind.
In this exhibition, Ruby shows us the difficulties people like her can face when living in a world that isn’t adapted for them. Almost everything is way too high up and there aren't any clothes that fit. She and her fellow bunnies try to adjust to the world so that it works for them when, in reality, the world should adjust to work for them instead. They try to enlighten people about their problems but it’s very difficult to be heard. It's very difficult to make people who have never faced any problems understand the issues others might face even with the simplest tasks.
To live a life like the majority see as normal, Ruby and her friends have to work much harder. Massproduced clothes do not exist so when a bunny wants to buy clothes, they go to a specialist to buy something that will fit them perfectly. Ruby is one of those specialists and in this exhibition we can see a part of her atelier and how she works when creating the perfect garment. Here you’ll also see some of the clothes she has created, both replicas of famous dresses and originals she has designed herself. Clothes make the bunny and Ruby is obsessed with making garments that fit well and are comfortable to wear both every day and during special occasions.
Instagram: @fashionforruby External link.